Ideas Worth Reading

Ideas, Poetry, Economics, Politics, Science, Medicine, Fiction, Pop Culture

Monday, July 31, 2006

25 Miraculous Trends (over the last 100 years)

The Greatest Century That Ever Was -- 25 Miraculous Trends

Lots of things are getting better, including some surprises.

Avoiding Common Logical Errors

So you wanna avoid common logical errors?

I personally love to argue by analogy so it pains me to post this one. An argument by analogy is like chocolate: Everybody loves it. But I can't see a good argument against their reasons.

Monday, July 24, 2006

The Secret History of the Dismal Science--Economics, Religion and Race in the 19th Century Liberalism

Economics has been called "The Dismal Science" and I wondered why until I read this website.

Secret History of the Dismal Science

Aaron Burr -- Got Milk?

My favorite "Got Milk" commercial, perhaps my favorite commercial of all time.

Got Milk? Aaron Burr