Power corrupts, and great power kills.
When I saw "Schindler's List", I was deeply moved. I asked Mike B. what can we do to prevent such genocide from happening again. Mike suggested raising my children right and treating my neighbor justly. I do try to live up to that.
I got excited when I came across some research that might drastically reduce wars AND genocides and other kinds of internal governmentally-approved mass execution.
A CIA researcher discovered that "being a democracy" has a very strong correlation with "not going to war with a democracy" and with "not killing huge numbers of its own citizens."
That claim of his is somewhat in dispute, according to the wikipedia entry on "the democratic peace." I also found a researcher who said that the correlation is even higher if you replace "being a democracy" with something else. More on that another time.
But in any case, that CIA researcher uncovered a crucial fact. Governments of the 20th century were wildly bloodthirsty. There were even some governments that issued quotas to murder a certain number of citizens per period of time, according to his research.
20th Century Democide
David Oakey